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SETA Organic SETA Organic
Plantes calmantes | 8 ingrédients | 20 portions

Lavender Latte

Relaxation | Peaceful sleep | Mental calm
  • Also known as moon milk, our Lavender Latte mix is the perfect addition to your late night ritual. A blend of superfoods that promote rest and relaxation, this offering is a sweet floral beverage with a hint of vanilla. Swap your chamomile herbal tea for our Lavender Latte and get ready for a peaceful night!

    ● Mild floral taste of lavender enhanced with blueberries and a hint of vanilla

    ● Organic lavender from our partner, Clef des Champs

    ● No caffeine, no stevia, no added flavors, and no preservatives

    ● Non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, and allergen-free

    ● Contains 99% organic ingredients

    ● Compostable packaging

    ● 1% of sales are donated to Refuge Pageau, an organization that temporarily shelters wild animals in need

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1 % to a good cause

Sans OGM - Non-GMO sans gluten - gluten free Végane - Vegan sans produits laitiers - dairy-free sans caféine - caffeine free fait au Canada - Made in Canada fait au Québec - Made in Québec

Your relaxation ritual!

Our Lavender Latte blend (moon milk) is the perfect beverage for promoting rest and relaxation. The result? A delicious late-night latte that can be incorporated into your daily routine. In our blend, we combine lavender and chamomile, two plants with calming and relaxing properties. A beverage with a sweet lavender scent that will take you on a journey to dreamland.

8 carefully selected ingredients

High quality organic lavender

We collaborate with Clef des Champs, a company based in the Laurentians which specializes in the cultivation of medicinal plants. Since our labour of love is supplying organic and high quality ingredients, it was only natural for us to collaborate with our neighbors to the north. For our blend, the Clef des Champs team offered us lavender with a mild floral taste which mixes perfectly with chamomile, holy basil and our authentic vanilla from Madagascar.

4 easy steps to preparing your Lavender Latte:

1) Pour ½ cup (125 ml) of water and ½ cup (125 ml) of your favorite plant-based milk into a mason jar.

2) Add 1.5 c. tsp of our Lavender Latte blend. 

3) Stir well until a homogenous mixture is achieved. For a creamy, soft and smooth texture, use a milk frother.

4) For a sweet touch, add the sugar of your choice.

Our Lavender Latte blend is the perfect addition to smoothies, energy balls, or any of your other favorite recipes.

Customer Reviews

Based on 72 reviews

C'est mon 4 eme achat cette fois direct de site Seta, les autres j'ai eu chez Rachelle Berry. J'en ai ramené deux en cadeau pour ma famille en Europe et ils ont adoré et m'ont redemandé pour mon prochaine visite! Eh bah felicitations vous etes connus maintenant outre mer!

Plein de douceur

Réconfort assuré! Goût très doux. Avec une touche de sirop d’érable, c’est un apaisement instantané.

Danielle Vallée

Merci pour la commande

Lynda Gohier

Goût léger de lavande
Boisson chaude par excellence pour le soir
J'aime beaucoup ce mélange relaxant

Louiselle Cloutier
La lavande pour une douce nuit

Je cherchais un breuvage chaud sans caféine qui aide au sommeil. C’est très doux et réconfortant à prendre en soirée!