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SETA Organic SETA Organic

Chocolate & Water Lentil Dessert Energy Balls

Boules d’énergie dessert chocolat & Lentille d’eau - SETA Organic

We are proud to show you our collaboration with Stéphanie who is behind the blog Une bouché de vie. As soon as we discovered Stéphanie, we knew there would be a mutual connection. Let's just say that she looks a lot like us! Stephanie is an unconditional LOVER of animals, vegan/healthy food and passionate about life. She loves animals so much, you might see Stephanie hanging out with Astride, a lovely domestic pig. Yes, yes, you read that right.... Astride a lovely pig, and she is awesome! :-)

So, with all these affinities, Stéphanie said YES to our collaboration proposal and today she shared with us her chocolate dessert energy balls with our favorite green superfood! Water Lentil goes so well with the taste of dates and fleur de sel! Go ahead and try her delicious recipe:

For 12 balls:


-2 cups of pitted dates (soaked 5 minutes in boiling water)

-1/4 cup of cocoa powder

-2 tbsp. of maple syrup

-3 tsp. of melted deodorized coconut oil (separated)

-1 scoop of Water Lentil powder

-2 tbsp. of soy beverage

-1/2 cup of vegan dark chocolate

-1 tsp. of fleur de sel (optional)


  1. Start by soaking the dates in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, add the cocoa, maple syrup, 2 tsp. melted deodorized coconut oil and the Water Lentil powder into a food processor.
  3. Add the softened dates and pulse until a sticky dough hold together.
  4. Transfer to a plate or bowl and place in the freezer for 30 minutes to facilitate the next step: rolling the balls! *optional, you can already roll them if you run out of time, but the texture will be very soft.
  5. Remove from the freezer and make the balls with 1 tablespoon of dough. Place on a plate and put it back in the freezer for another 30 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, melt the dark chocolate with the remaining tablespoon of coconut oil and the soy beverage, 25 seconds at a time, stirring each time, until you get a nice, silky melted chocolate.
  7. Remove the balls from the freezer, and using two forks, roll the balls in the bowl of melted chocolate to coat all sides.
  8. Place on a plate or directly in your airtight dish for storage.
  9. Sprinkle with fleur de sel if desired for a sweet and salty taste.
  10. Enjoy! keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Recipe and photo : Une bouché de vie

* If you try this recipe, we'd love to hear about it! We invite you to share your creation on Instagram and use the hashtag #setaorganic. We would be happy to share your photos with our community. :-)